Here’s the open letter BlackBerry will run in 30 newspapers tomorrow

On Tuesday, in thirty newspapers spread across nine countries, BlackBerry will run an open letter addressed to “valued customers, partners and fans”.

The “death by a thousand paper cuts” demise of BlackBerry will tomorrow bring about another attempt to cauterize the wound that has characterized the past few years for the embattled Canadian device maker.

On Tuesday, in thirty newspapers across nine countries, the Waterloo-based company will run an open letter addressed to “valued customers, partners and fans”.

“You’ve no doubt seen the headlines about BlackBerry,” begins the letter, which is signed by “The BlackBerry Team”. “You’re probably wondering what they mean for you as one of the tens of millions of users who count on BlackBerry every single day. We have one important message for you: YOU CAN CONTINUE TO COUNT ON BLACKBERRY.”

The letter goes on to point out that the company has recently made deep cuts to its costs, is debt free and has “substantial” cash on hand. It continues by underscoring what the company feels are its continuing strengths; security, enterprise mobility management, and a “best in class” mobile social network, among them.

You can view the full letter

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